Books, Articles and Book Chapters
“Communities of Forgiveness: A Palestinian Christian Perspective “ By Rula Khoury Mansour. (EX AUDITU, international journal for the theological interpretation of scripture, Pickwick Publication,2020)
In this chapter we present an integrated approach to forgiveness, combining the significant work of God with the efforts of the community. The role of the church community is highlighted in promoting forgiveness through engaging Christian practices and fostering a way of life where peaceful coexistence is possible even amidst suffering and conflicts. It emphasizes that forgiveness is not merely an individual act but a social relationship, a lifestyle committed to overcoming evil with good. The practice of forgiveness acknowledges the transformative power it holds for both individuals and communities. It confronts systemic injustices and aims for a just and reconciled world, seeking to restore humanity to communion with God, each other, and creation.
The journal is available on Amazon.
“The Mission of the Church: Just Peacemaking and Reconciliation” By Rula Khoury Mansour. Asian Christian Ethics: Evangelical Perspective (Langham and ATA, 2022)
Asian Christian Ethics: Evangelical Perspective features chapters on a variety of topics related to ethics written by 15 scholars. In our chapter on peace ethics, entitled “The Mission of the Church: Just Peacemaking and Reconciliation”, we examine the relationship between the church’s mission and the pursuit of peace. Our focus lies on understanding the essential role of the oppressed church in the process of peacemaking. We believe that the mission of the church and peacemaking are deeply intertwined. Without a clear mission, genuine and transformative peace that brings healing and unity cannot be attained. Likewise, peacemaking is an essential component of the church’s mission, as it aligns with the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Through case studies, we explored the ways the oppressed church can exercise its mission as a powerful force in fostering peace and reconciliation within their societies and beyond.
“The role of the Palestinian Church in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” By Rula Khoury Mansour. Together in the Mission of God, (World Council of Churches, 2022)
Together in the Mission of God was one of the book projects of the World Council of Churches (WCC) to celebrate the centenary anniversary of the International Missionary Council (IMC). The book was launched at a special event at the World Council of Churches 11th Assembly in Karlsruhe, Germany in September 2022. We are privileged to have contributed an article to this book. The article focuses on the role of the Palestinian Church in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and aims to contribute to the ongoing conversation around this important issue.
“When the foundations are being destroyed what the pacemaker can do?” By Rula Khoury Mansour. Between Politics and Religion: A Christian Approach to Political Issues from the Middle East.” (Dar Manhal Alhayat, 2022).
Between Politics and Religion is written in Arabic by distinguished Arab theologians from different countries in the Middle East. It includes seven chapters that focus on the challenges faced by Christians in the Arab world when participating in local politics. The book provides a Christian response to contemporary political issues, analyzing them from biblical, theological, and historical perspectives. Our chapter provides a theological framework for Christian involvement in peacemaking. It emphasizes the importance of ensuring that our peacemaking practices reflect the Kingdom’s ethics. It advocates transformative initiatives to mend broken relationships, establish just connections, and promote the common good. Active community engagement and love are essential components of the peacemaking vision.
“Shame in the Arab Culture: A Christian Perspective” By Rula Khoury Mansour. Towards a Renewed Mind (Bethlehem Bible College, 2021).
In Towards a Renewed Mind, 25 Palestinian thinkers wrote about contemporary Palestinian issues from an Evangelical perspective. We contributed a chapter titled “Shame in Arab Culture: A Christian Perspective.” In this chapter, we approached the topic of shame from two perspectives: anthropological and Christian. We highlighted the Church’s responsibility in condemning the social norms that justify the stigmas in our culture and underscored the importance of embracing and restoring the outcast and marginalized.
The Church in the Face of Injustice: Two Case Studies” By Rula Khoury Mansour.Why the Church? A Contemporary Perspective on the Role of the Church in the Arab World (Dar Manhal Alhayat and MENATE, 2019)
This book features chapters authored by influential theologians and thinkers from the Middle East. It emphasizes the importance of the church taking an active role in shaping and transforming our societies and countries. Our chapter discusses two compelling case studies, illustrating the church’s proactive approach in confronting injustices.
“The Church and Peacemaking”, Eyes on the Peace. By Rula Khoury Mansour.
We wrote a chapter titled “The Church and Peacemaking,” presenting three propositions that outline practical ways to realize our vision as advocates for peace and justice.
“Peace, Peacemaking | Christianity | Middle East.” in Volume 23 of the Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception (De Gruyter, 2024). By Rula Khoury Mansour.
As a reflection of the last round of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in May 2021, this article, by Dr. Rula Khoury-Mansour, proposes that conflict, despite its destruction, is an opportunity that calls us as Christians to act as the conscience of society. To do so we need to act according to the codes of Kingdom ethics and to practice peacemaking that is just.
Dr. Rula Khoury Mansour touches upon the religious values that animated Archbishop Tutu in his pursuit of peace in his country. Tutu has succeeded in embodying the harmony between forgiveness and justice. He developed Ubuntu theology, which is derived from his Christian faith and African culture, a theology that resists apartheid through offering forgiveness while demanding justice.
Amidst the turbulent and devastating Israel-Hamas war in October 2023, while the cannons are still rumbling, Dr. Rula Khoury Mansour felt an overwhelming need to revisit Christian ethical conduct in times of conflict. She shared her perspective on how we should navigate enmity, drawing from the timeless wisdom of the Sermon on the Mount
A Christmas devotion amid the Israel-Gaza war. Dr. Rula Khoury Mansour reflects on the Christmas Arab song “Laylat Al-Milad” (On Christmas Night). The verses: ‘On Christmas night, hatred vanishes; the earth blooms; war is buried; love is born,’ are like a prophetic melody, reminding us that love, born from the womb of darkness, transcends borders with the power of creation and redemption. ‘This Christmas, as we navigate our grief, we hold on to two divine gifts: the presence of God and the gift of hope.’
Reflecting on the one-year anniversary of the Israel-Gaza war, I can’t help but wonder: What have we gained? Where do we go from here? These questions weigh heavily on my heart, shaping the urgency of our work at the Nazareth Center for Peace Studies where we work on the grassroots level to empower individuals and communities as peacebuilders. With this deep sense of reflection and a heavy heart, I traveled to Seoul, carrying these realities. It was in this context that I spoke at the 4th Lausanne Congress, where over 5,200 leaders from 202 countries gathered. I shared our story—a story of hope and a deep longing for peace—amid the ongoing suffering and division in the Holy Land.
As I write this article, the Israel-Gaza war rages on, leaving behind a tragic scene with immense suffering and destruction. The urgency for a shift away from military approaches towards a foundation of historical reconciliation has never been more tangible. In this article, I aim to outline a path illuminated by four key principles, guiding Israelis and Palestinians alike towards a shared vision of peace amidst the ongoing century-long conflict.
This Christmas feels different – heavier, like standing in the stillness after a storm. The wounds remain: broken homes, enduring trauma, and shattered dreams. Lives have been forever changed, and weary hearts remind us of the fragility of peace. Yet even in the depths of our brokenness, we return to the story that changed everything – the story of a child born into a world much like ours: troubled, uncertain, and hurting. This child brought hope, stepping gently into our broken world and calling us to rise, rebuild, and heal – one step at a time – with faith, courage, and love.
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